
We have a neighbor whom we realized deserves a paragraph in cyberspace. The man is a mystery. He lives across the street with his wife and kids, drives a Suburban (too slowly, in my opinion), and looks pretty normal. Until he gets out of it. The man has almost-knee-high galoshes on – the kind the Gorton’s Fisherman wears! We don’t live in a flood plain, so far as I know, and the forecast doesn’t call for rain until late next week. Literally, the man wears them rain or shine, hot or cold, EVERY SINGLE DAY. What is the deal? Does his wife not say, “Hey, Honey, you know it’s pretty warm out today, how about some sandals instead?” Or shoes, or even hiking boots but something other than those dang galoshes! Why, oh why? OK, if you want to own maybe only one pair of something to cover your feet, would galoshes be the most practical choice? I mean, they kinda make your feet sweat. Especially in summer. Not very warm in the winter. Perhaps, just maybe, I should possibly ask Michael to some time speak to him about his choice of footwear. Maybe Napoleon Dynamite is this guy’s fashion hero. Whatever it is, he’s rockin’ the pants-in-boots look!

About lindsay

just a girl, creator, reader, learner, homeschooler. wife to one and mother to two others. in the city and loving it. in pursuit of God and community.
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4 Responses to galoshes

  1. Anonymous says:

    you know, I think i know some galoshes kind of guys. Linds, you should be a short story writer, this stuff is great. Oh, yeah…you too Mike. Don’t wanna leave my fav cuz out. Love you guys!!-Michea

  2. caron says:

    i’ve been looking for a new look. think i just found it.

  3. the youngs says:

    oh yeah – it’s hot! šŸ™‚

    BTW – a belated Bon Voyage from Iowa! i couldn’t get out to wave from a bridge, so I sent ET instead. it seems he was able to catch up with you. i told him to leave his rifle at home, though. hard-headed alien!

  4. caron says:

    haha! hilarious! was wondering why i was chosen to see him, some 20 years after his depature. now i know!

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